Saturday, July 28, 2012

Breathing and Thinking

It's so hard to describe what's in my head.  I think it's impossible.  Every once in a while, I breathe deeply and realize how incredibly epic every single moment is.  Whether or not you succeed or fail, whether you are great or 'average', whether you are rich are poor...we are all caught up in this amazing pattern.  We live on a planet that is teeming with diversity and complexity, orbited by a silent moon that  gleams a brilliant silver and white because of our magnificent sun.

I think about the people who have created amazing things, and I can only feel a sense of awe at the richness and power of whatever vision was in their minds.  To be human is to be more than human.  We can tap into levels of awareness that would defy the imaginations of our ancestors.  Fantastic depths of creation and destruction lay dormant within us, just waiting to be called forth.  And all of this is against a backdrop of unimaginable forces.

To be alive is to be an important character in the most important journey that will ever take place.  Our time on Earth may be limited, but we are part of a story that transcends time, transcends limitation.  Every moment is important, every instant is eternal.

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