If you are in your 20s or 30s, or even 40s or maybe 50s, it is possible that you could live your whole life over again, numerically speaking. If you have lived for 20 years, then you will live your whole life again, in a sense, if you live to be 40. Really it could be thought of as even more than that, since your first few years of life don't really create accessible memories...
So what if today is Day 1 of your new life? Your first day on Earth, if you can get your mind around the idea. How full of wonder and amazement should you be? Everything is new and incredible, regardless of whether it is bad or good.
And what if every day is the First and Last day of your new life? You could consider your new life to begin on any given day, if that's how you want to count. And you could consider your new life to end on any given day as well. Everything will be infinitely new, beautiful, and also sad as you watch it slip away. But you know that tomorrow is a new day and a new life.
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