Friday, August 24, 2012

So Much To Do!!! is life so crazy?

I've been completely inundated by things that I want to do (or even need to do)...same ol' story, I suppose.  It's ridiculous though, I feel like there are a million really awesome things on my mind, and if only I had a hyperbolic time chamber, I could make some of them reality.

Worthwhile thoughts of late:

THERE IS NO REASON WHY EVERY MOMENT SHOULDN'T BE CREATIVE, MAGICAL, SPECIAL, BRILLIANT.  Every glance in the mirror, every sip of coffee, even taking a piss can be savored in your mind.  The universe is an incredibly complex sea of energy, all somehow woven together into mind-boggling patterns and structures.  Chaos and order are, paradoxically, one and the same.

LIFE IS EPIC.  Even if your job is "data-entry" (you are  data-entrier?) or flipping burgers, we all share the same stage.  All the world's drama, all the emotions, all the challenges and opportunities...everything is there for everyone.  Mundanity is a layer that you are projecting onto reality, not reality itself!!

Caffeine is awesome.

Life is awesome.

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