Friday, July 6, 2012


Cynicism is a powerful obstacle that many of us, including myself, need to overcome.  It is bullshit to think "people are always going to be greedy, lazy, vicious, etc."  It is bullshit to think that we can't transcend the status quo.  The world is a terrible place, people are starving, killing, raping, stealing...all this is true.  But just think, for one minute, about what we are doing right now.  We are communicating across the planet with machines that are making billions, literally billions, of calculations per second.  We are changing digital patterns in the displays of our computers, and thereby changing the patterns of thoughts in our minds.  Yes, we are animals.  Yes we are driven by hunger, lust, primitive instincts.  But we can be more than that.  We can set aside our hunger to do work, to play with our kids, to meditate, to compose masterpieces.  We can lose everything and still come back and make a fortune through perseverance and fortitude.

If you think the world is a bad place and ultimately there is nothing we can do about it (and I admit I frequently think this way, to my discredit), then you've just identified the first problem you need to solve on your way to doing something incredible for your family, your community, your country, your world.  Solve the problem of your cynicism first.  Then solve something greater.

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